8 Tips for Renting the Right Apartment

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

5. Consider security.

Doesrepparttar building have controlled access? If so, arerepparttar 110471 exterior security gates and doors closed? Arerepparttar 110472 locks in working order? Does your individual unit have secure door locks and window latches? (Some states have specific laws regarding minimum security devices for apartment units.) Doesrepparttar 110473 building have a security service? If so, is a guard on duty 24 hours or does he or she just drive by periodically?

6. Ask about shared facilities.

Doesrepparttar 110474 building have a swimming pool? A recreation or fitness room? Tennis courts? Laundry facilities? Who is allowed to use those facilities and during what hours? Is there an extra fee charged for use ofrepparttar 110475 facilities? Where arerepparttar 110476 facilities located in relation to your prospective apartment? Do you really want to live poolside or nearrepparttar 110477 laundry room?

7. Ask about utility costs.

Isrepparttar 110478 water bill paid byrepparttar 110479 owner or separately byrepparttar 110480 tenants? Are electrical or gas utilities included inrepparttar 110481 rent? Is there a single thermostat forrepparttar 110482 entire building? If so, who controls it?

8. Take notes.

Before you move in, documentrepparttar 110483 condition of your unit and make note of any nonfunctioning doors or windows, leaking plumbing, missing fixtures, stained carpets and so on. Ask your landlord to initial a copy of your documentation to prevent disputes when you eventually move out. Better yet, take pictures or make a video ofrepparttar 110484 premises before you bring in any of your furniture or belongings.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or www.roommateexpress.com

Evicted With Nowhere to Go

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Otherwise, you should visit your local welfare department. If you qualify, a representative will become your case worker. This person will workrepparttar details out with your landlord--taking some ofrepparttar 110470 pressure off of you. If you wish to stay inrepparttar 110471 apartment andrepparttar 110472 landlord wants you there, too, welfare will have him sign an agreement saying they can send him a check forrepparttar 110473 rent.

If you want to move, or your landlord won't agree to let you stay, welfare can help by paying for a security deposit, utility deposit andrepparttar 110474 moving costs for your new apartment.

For more information on local outreach programs, visitrepparttar 110475 Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program's web page.. There you will find a box where you can type in your zip code and findrepparttar 110476 program nearest to you.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or www.roommateexpress.com

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